* Made for the Pirate Software Game Jam 15 *

Design Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oyx0oVmA-DUj3-fMKqbntOdV9dJKnkBLQfBIvt-psSA/edit?usp=sharing

Your parents sent you away to the School of Alchemy to make something of yourself, but you really aren’t interested.  In fact, you haven’t even taken any classes.  You’ve gotten quite good at avoiding the staff, however.

You wake up from a nap in the storage closet to find that the School of Alchemy has been overrun by the normally docile goblin staff. While their rampage through the school seems to be fueled by an unnatural glow from the moon, a seemingly darker presence now stalks the halls with only glimpses of the true threat in the moonlight. Powerful alchemy is readily available, ingredients lie about in every corner of the school, too bad you never learned a single recipe.

Our goal was to create a Thief-like game in which you utilize the powers of alchemy to distract, deceive, transmute, or obliterate your enemies. 

Many of the mechanics made it into the game, but we were not able to complete the map with all of the necessary items, puzzles, and clues.  It's still fun to run around and abuse the poor Goblins with bees and barf though.

We used an old build of Unreal that still supported HTML5 packaging, and were fairly limited in graphics features.

Made by:





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fallingpull also worked on this submission - they created all of the Sound Effects!  In my sleep deprivation I forgot to add their name to the "made by" list.  My sincere apologies to fallingpull :(